Frauen Gold
A collaborative project with Hend ElBalouty,
Created for the exhibition STATE OF THE ART 2021 for galerie postel
Hend El Balouty and Razan Sabbagh's work tapped into the digital space that so shaped work, school, and social life in pandemic times and will likely continue to do so in the future. Using a video conferencing tool, they met several times to brainstorm and share content, events, videos, reports, clips with each other in an associative way. They recorded the process and then condensed it into a video that introduces thematically, documents their work and creates associative spaces.
The leading topic of the discussion is already indicated by the title "FrauenGold", an advertising spot in the 70s promoting an over-the-counter female tonic. The topic refers to an issue that spans many decades and numerous countries, historical and contemporary moments, media, cultures and political situations, and is also highly topical at present: that of the role and rights of women in society.

The video was shown in the exhibition as documentation and at the same time part of the performance, which was opened to visitors and the public. Visitors could find a Google document released to all where the artists have already noted associative notes, headings, opinions. The visitors of the exhibition were invited to use the link and also note thoughts, ideas, associations on the topic on the Google Doc.
The document was open for the entire duration of the exhibition and was maintained by the two artists, who regularly reflected with and react to the newly added notes. The document was a growing and changing part of the exhibition.
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